Zac Efron is Far From His Role in High School Musical

Ted Bundy was a notorious serial killer that targeted, raped, and kidnapped several young women with very similar looks. Between 1974 and 1978, Ted was convicted of 30+ murders across the United States beginning in Washington, Oregon and ultimately leading to his death in the Florida State Prison.

Bundy's name has been in the news and on social media recently due to the January 2019 release of the Netflix documentary, "Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes".

But what really got people talking on social media was a movie trailer that was dropped in January 2019 about Ted Bundy's life played by the beloved Zac Efron. Controversy erupted on twitter as there were claims that this portrayal "sexualized" Bundy and that the film did not do justice when it came to paying respects to the victims and their families. 

An example of some of the contradicting comments were...

Both sides of this argument can be supported with emotional evidence attached. The director of both the Netflix documentary and the Sundance movie told USA Today.. 

        "The intended effect is to condemn the insatiable media that made him a celebrity, with one of the first murder trials to air on national TV. While the general public swooned over his handsomeness and charm, those were weapons he used to lure his female victims - earning their trust before he raped and decapitated them." - USA Today about Joe Berlinger, Director

What I took out of this controversy is I am amazed how twitter and other social media outlets have such an influence on how the public communicates and believes what they do just based on other opinions. 
