Trump's son-in-law Under Fire for Unsecured Messaging

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What's Up with WhatsApp?

It seems that another scandal has appeared in the media today about politicians using unprotected communication servers but i'm not talking about Hilary Clinton. President House Democrat and ironically President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner "is renewing demands that the White House turn over documents about the use of private texts or emails". Kushner's lawyer has revealed that his client was in fact using a non-secure WhatsApp application to interact with foreign leaders. 

The demand for these documents have yet to be presented to the Government Reform Committee and it has been over a year since the first request came from the committee. Clearly the White House delayed these orders on the grounds of alleged "classified information" contained in these messages to foreign leaders.

Jared Kushner is a key White House adviser with a focus in overseeing Middle East policies. Kushner justifies his privacy complain by saying he "takes screenshots of communications on his private WhatsApp account and forwards them to his official White House email account or to the National Security Council".

The opposition is not happy with the massive delay by the White House and their lack of cooperation. Government Reform Committee Chairman and House oversight Elijah Cummings is taking charge of the conflict. He claims that the White House refusal to overturn the documents is "obstructing the committee's investigation into allegations of violations of federal records laws and breaches of national security".

Ivanka Trump, wife of Kushner, is also under fire for not reporting all emails to her official account which violates the Presidential Records Act.

Cummings demanded a development on the White House side by March 28, 2019. 

Read more about this scandal HERE!
