My 5 Sites

1. Twitter 

Twitter is the easiest, most accessible news source in the social media world today. At the touch of a button, whatever and whoever you want to keep up with will appear. By pressing 'Follow' to any account, you are able to follow profiles that may consist of certain content you may enjoy. For me, twitter is my go to. I turn on notifications for important updates for profiles such as High Point University Women's soccer (HPUWSoccer1999) and HPU C.A.T. (@HPUCAT). This allows me to stay up to date about topics I care about right as they are happening. I like to be updated and in the loop and Twitter allows me to do that easily with a 'What's happening' tab; gathering data about most talked about topics and breaking news. 

2. Daily Mail

Daily Mail is one of the first things I check when I wake up in the morning. It sheds a light on news around the world and balances that with entertainment stories as well. It is clearly organized as the 'Latest Headlines' tab is the first page that shows up when you go onto the website. I enjoy being able to have what I need to know right at my fingertips. Most students my age are updated through this app as well so being on top of stories similar to my peers helps with conversation. 

3. Fox News

Fox 5 News is a popular local broadcast in my hometown in Maryland. This is the news station I have grown up watching not only because of the raw content but my childhood friends' dad is the weather man. Most mornings before middle and high school the TV would be on in the background showing the station. This news site is mostly used for world news stories and avoids entertainment purposes. 

4. E! News

E! News is strictly my guilty pleasure, useless news network. All of the information presented follow celebrities and picks apart things like diets, daily routines, and what is in Kim Kardashian's purse. As silly as it sounds, it is interesting to know little things about role models on the A list. E! News is set up similar to Daily Mail where there is a 'Trending Stories' page that automatically pops up when opening the website. 

5. YouTube

YouTube is a great way to watch news that you are interested or want to take part in. Recently there have been a spike in vlog/youtuber interest. Personally, I like to watch videos and not make them, but it seems like editing and videography would be a fun way to pass the time. YouTube is set up similar to other news sources I mentioned where the homepage consists of trending topics or videos that are similar to other videos the viewer had previously watched. My feed mainly shows videos about the Bachelor, funny dog videos, and Jimmy Kimmel. 
