Big Brother is Watching You: 2019

The social media site that is known for connecting ex-flames, cute dog videos, and that old acquaintance from high school who swears she found the 🌟BEST NEW PRODUCT 🌟is under fire as analysis shows Facebook is giving up personal data and using it as a tool for political and advertisement targeting.

According to the Washington Post, this targeting "goes against legal concepts that maintain that platforms to which we entrust our personal data should be expected to protect that data and not use it to manipulate us". The root cause in this sudden leak was due to Facebook's ever-changing terms and conditions fine print.

A huge part of the world wide web is advertising. Without it there would be a domino effect leading to no money income or outcome. We buy everything based on what we see and who is promoting it. It was found that Facebook took the personal information from their users and gave material to a third-party app that analyzed their search history, demographic, and other unique information. The advertisement we are exposed to come directly from this platform.

Facebook commented that this third-party app, Cambridge Analytica, "probably" should not have done that.

I have definitely been a victim of this scheme from Facebook and other social medias such as Instagram and Snapchat. I have searched a clothing site on my safari or on the app itself and the next time I refresh the site an advertisement for that EXACT product appears in my feed. It seems to be 2019 Big Brother

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