Amazon Against the World

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Amazon is the largest e-commerce marketplace and cloud computing platform in the world measured by revenue and market capitalization (Wikipedia)

To show you just how powerful Amazon is, my simple google search 'Amazon overtakes...' suggested the following: 

- Amazon overtakes Walmart
- Amazon overtakes Apple 
- Amazon overtakes Microsoft 

And my personal favorite...

- Amazon overtakes Bill Gates

Amazon was founded on July 5, 1994 and began as an online bookstore. Seeing the potential that this company had in store, CEO Jeff Bezos diversified his products and began selling anything and everything. Some examples include video downloads/streaming, software, electronics, furniture, clothing, food, toys, jewelry; you name it, Amazon has it. 

As far as the Rogers Diffusion of Innovations scale goes, Amazon's diffusion rate went at a pretty rapid pace. Once Bezos went international and widened his product input in 2006, Amazon quickly became the largest internet company by revenue in the world and the second largest employer in the United States. Thus, amounting to an almost perfect 100% saturation. 

Personally, Amazon has been very influential to me being away at college. Seeing that not everything I need is right around me, the 2-day shipping for products is HUGE. I get what I need instantly. I will admit that my family and I were late adopters as we became frequent users and Prime members in 2015. I would recommend Amazon to everyone!
