Apple 🤝Government Regulation

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In 2019, everywhere you look, there is some form of technology. Phones lead to computers and computers have now lead to robots. One of the leading technology-based companies is none other than Apple. As I type on my MacBook Pro right now, I look around in the library and see every student in this building is using a MacBook as well. Apple's power over the world is somewhat unbelievable because they are so dominant in their market. This company has worked long and hard in order to build their credibility over the last twenty years and CEO Time Cook has something to say. 

"Technology needs to be regulated. There are now too many examples where the no rails have resulted in a great damage to society" (TIME). Cook believes that this change will protect the privacy of millions, especially Apple consumers. In a time of recent security breaches in other technologies, Cook claims he is "hopeful" and see that there is no other choice than to accept an increase in government oversight. 

Cook emphasizes to TIME Magazine that the company does not involve itself in politics. Apple's transparency on policy issues are intended to be very clear. Through the use of their new Apple Watch, there is an emphasis on health-related technology with an EKG incorporated in new features. 

Tim Cook understands that his idea of government regulation on Apple users will not be a popular. Cook says, "At the end of the day we'll be judged more on 'did we stand up for what we believed in,' not necessarily, 'do they agree with it.'" 
