Mainstream Media

During the class today and the many presentations I got to witness, mainstream media really stuck out to me as an audience member.

Mainstream media consists of entertainment, newspapers, and even soap operas. On a more political spectrum, elite mainstream media consists of the White House Press, CNN, NBC News, FOX News, and CBS News. All of these media outlets are somehow connected as they all play a pivotal role in relaying news to the people.

A seating chart for each news outlet during White House press conferences was presented on the powerpoint. I thought that this was very intriguing and something I have never thought about before today. There is a specific seating arrangement that reporters must follow and are assigned to the President's liking. This seating caught my eye as some of the news sources were not as I predicted to be involved in the room.

To add to their presentation, I also enjoyed their charts and how they conveyed interesting facts rather than information that would make me fall asleep. I learned to today that over the last thirty or so years, American media went from being owned by 50 companies to 5. This shows how influential the news can be and how much it is relied upon.

Some useful information that I took away were their tips on how to find a reliable source on the internet. In the past, Google has always been my best friend and the trust I had with the sites they would give me might be exhausted at this point. A key term they said to include in searches are PhD and MBA published sources. The whole point in reliable sources are to inform rather than entertain.

While searching for information and 'fun' facts on my own, I stumbled across an awesome infographic that gives a good representation of how large these companies really are. Click here to check it out!

Below I have also chosen to give you all a snippet of what Disney has ownership of. Wow.

Image result for what disney owns
