Uber's Reaction to Heinous Crime

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It was a sad week for the country as twenty-one year old Samantha Josephson died on Friday. Samantha was waiting outside of a bar in South Carolina where she called an Uber to take her home. The South Carolina University student saw a black car pull up to the curb where she was waiting and assumed it was her ride, no questions asked.

That was the last she was seen alive. Her body was found hours later just off of a secluded dirt road, around 90 miles away from where she was taken.

"Her death has increased focus on how to improve the safety of ride-hailing services" (Washington Post). It is said that the South Carolina state House has introduced legislation to increase safety requirements to companies like Uber. It is unfortunate that such a tragedy has to happen in order for the government to take action for the safety of the citizens.

All eyes were on Uber to see what they had to say about the incident. A representative from the Uber corporation told a Columbia NBC affiliate that "Everyone at Uber is devastated to hear about this unspeakable crime, and our hearts are with Samantha Josephson's family and loved ones. We remain focused on raising public awareness about this incredibly important issue" (Washington Post).

Uber has also released plans in order to make true employees distinct while out on the busy street. An illuminated sign when active would be required for any driver. When the employee is off duty, the sign or emblem must be returned and not be used.

In my opinion, I do not think that this regulation would be enough to seriously make a change to the safety of ride-hailing services. More ideas about legislation needs to be brought to the table.
